“Post-communism (post-socialism) as the defining feature of welfare states and social policies in Central and Eastern Europe?”
Editors: Maria Theiss, University of Warsaw (m.theiss@uw.edu.pl) and Tomasz Inglot, Minnesota State University-Mankato (tinglot@mnsu.edu)
The planned special issue will feature articles devoted to contemporary theoretical and empirical (comparative and single case) explorations of why and how post-communism (post-socialism) still matters in welfare state research. We invite scholars representing different disciplinary and methodological perspectives to submit original research papers, review articles and critical essays related to this theme. Sample questions and topics for possible consideration could include:
- What are the most salient and persistent characteristics of post-communism (post-socialism) and how do they differ from features that are less relevant or impactful?
- What is the current rationale or justification for the continuous use of the term post-communism (post-socialism) in comparative research on welfare states and social policies?
- How much continuity vs. change do we notice in the content and application of the concept of post-communism in the study of social policies in Central and Eastern Europe during the 1990s vs. the 2000s and now?
- Do post-communist features of welfare states fade away, survive or adapt to new political, social and economic contexts such as for example the Global Financial Crisis of 2008-09, Covid-19 pandemic, EU membership, and accelerated European integration?
- What is the relationship between post-communism, nationalism and populism (illiberalism) in the context of social policy in Central and Eastern Europe today?
- Are current social policy reforms and developments in other European and/or non-European countries relevant to our understanding of post-communism, either as a historical or current phenomenon?
Articles, no longer than 9,000 words, including the abstract, references and footnotes, should be submitted in English through the journal’s website https://www.editorialsystem.com/ppsen no later than by the end of February 2022.
For more author submission guidelines please consult the journal website: http://www.problemypolitykispolecznej.pl/Technical-requirements,2304.html
Expected publication date: early 2023.
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