The PArtsHum (Papers in Arts and Humanities) journal of the Partium Christian University invites papers for its second issue, the first one in the Social Sciences series. The issue will be organized along the main theme of Beginnings and its various societal manifestations, as they emerge and are continuously constructed as transformative, patterned bursts driving social change at large, and within smaller-scale settings. Beginnings might be conceived as moments, events, phenomena or even processes spanning a vivid variety of conceptual approaches including the conflictual viewpoint of deconstruction of reconstruction, functional ideas on institutional development or interactionist perspectives on the onset and dissolution of human relations. Contemporary crises generate reflections on historical or present „beginnings,” including the wide spectrum of topics related to the contemporary global health crisis and prospects on the post-pandemic state of societies.
We look for contributions in the form of original empirical research articles and theoretical studies spanning the full spectrum of social, socio-psychological, behavioural and educational sciences, as well as reviews on recently published books. Possible topics include, but are not limited to the following:
- changing social fields, the virtualization of self and communities
- digitalization and the dawn of online bureaucracy
- key paradigm shifts, major turns in the history of social, behavioural and educational sciences
- recent methodological innovations in online social research
- new religions and systems of thoughts as real or constructed safe havens in McDonaldized cultures
- new social responsibilities and the need for the public engagement of social sciences in the context of post-truth politics
- socialization phases as repeated beginnings in contemporary fluid social, cultural and economic milieus
- sociological and anthropological senses of beginnings, traditional and contemporary rites of passage
- key tenets and turning points in the history of religious ideas
- ground-breaking events as real or mythicized beginnings in the 20th century history
- creating new prospects for educators: recreating teaching as a way of life
- developmental beginnings: language and cognition in the case of children and youth
- effective pedagogy in the realm of new digital generations
- new challenges of minority education in a multicultural Europe
- new solutions in online teaching and learning before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
- the imperative of repeated renewals: methodological alternatives towards active learning and student empowerment
- the endless restart of education reform in Central and Eastern Europe
- ends as beginnings: formative and destructive moments in the interpersonal relationships
- new stress coping mechanisms during pandemics and other severe social crises
- resilience and new beginnings during crisis on individual and community level
- social cognition in the contemporary context of profound generational transformations
- new developments in the video games research
- new bonds, changing identities: intercultural communication, multilingualism and symbolic exchanges in the virtual world
- media and violence, new forms of cyber bullying (in the age of Covid19)
- Supervision or stalking? New human rights and privacy challenges in the era of digital communication and intelligent technologies
- social construction, meanings and mythologies of beginnings in the traditional and new media
- Brexit as a failure or a reframing instance
- institutional reforms as publicized beginnings in the post-communist regimes
- new insights in the field of social influence and group decision making in the era of global political actors
- new paths for the crisis-ridden welfare state in the developed world
- towards a new equilibrium: rethinking and rearranging the social, educational and health sectors in aging societies
- post-communist experimentations and structural inertia in Central and Eastern Europe
- the symbolic construction of renewal and beginnings in the early 21st century political ideologies
- the emergence of post-truth demagogic populism
- ideological clashes, partisanship and polarization in the new media and their political implications
The word length for abstracts is 150 – 250, key words 5
The word length for scholarly articles is 4000 – 7000
The word length for reviews is 1000-1500
Submission deadline for the abstracts: April 1, 2021 to
Submission deadline for full papers (following the acceptance of abstracts): June 1, 2021
More information at
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