Romanian Sociologists Society

Webinar OECD – The Trust Divide: How COVID-19 Exposes the Impact of Inequality on Citizen Confidence in Government

The COVID-19 crisis has exacerbated existing inequalities across population groups, including generational, economic and social divides, and created a sense of vulnerability. The aftermath of the health crisis is likely to affect socioeconomic groups differently, with potential impacts including public disengagement, polarization and social unrest. Steering countries out of the crisis without deteriorating the social tissue will rely on people’s perceptions that such policies are fair and worthwhile of popular support.

Webinar: The Trust Divide: How COVID-19 Exposes the Impact of Inequality on Citizen Confidence in Government
19 October 2020, 3.00-5.00 pm CEST

Registration is now open

The webinar will explore how the COVID crisis affects population groups differently and will discuss the tensions that need to be mitigated for harnessing public trust as a force out of the crisis. It will present countries’ approaches to governance and public policies to foster a fair and sustainable recovery that reduce inequalities and restore public trust.

Marta Lagos, Executive Director, Latino Barómetro
Alejandra Botero, Counsellor to the President, Colombia
Aarnie Aasve, Professor, Bocconi University and Bocconi Covid Crisis Lab, Milan Italy
Carina Autengruber, President, Youth European Forum
Francesc Amat, Research fellow, Institutions and Political Economy Research Group, University of Barcelona

Elsa Pilichowski, Director, OECD Directorate for Public Governance

Closing Remarks
Jeffrey Schlagenhauf, Deputy Secretary-General, OECD

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