Romanian Sociologists Society

CfP: What People Leave Behind: Marks, Traces, Footprints and their Significance for Social Sciences, Rome, 2020

The two-day International Conference “What People Leave Behind: Marks, Traces, Footprints and their Significance for Social Sciences” will be hosted by the Department of Communication and Social Research and the Ph.D. Program in Communication, Social Research and Marketing – Sapienza University of Rome on June 15-16, 2020.

The conference focuses on a significant theme in the social sciences: the concepts of “footprint” and “trace”. Usually associated with the digital world, the very idea of footprints clearly gives the image of what one leaves behind without being aware of it. Trace-like information, i.e. information that was not meant to be informative, is much sought after, and this is particularly true in the age of digital capitalism.

Partners of the Conference:  Italian Association of Sociology; Sociology, Culture, Communication – Italian Scientific Society; Italian Association of Semiotic Studies; ESARN20 Qualitative methods; ESARN21 Quantitative methods.

Call for panels and papers

The purpose of the conference is to encourage inter- and cross-disciplinary fields of research, with particular attention to sociology, communication studies, data science, anthropology, computational social science, history, semiotics, media and Internet studies. When submitting paper presentations, the following information is required:

  • Title;
  • Abstract (500 words maximum);
  • Author’s name, affiliations, appointment and email address;
  • 5 keywords.

The conference is also open to a small number of proposals for pre-constituted panels: panel conveners are invited to suggest a two-hour themed panel of five/six speakers. All panel submissions should be gender balanced and include authors from at least two different countries. When submitting panel proposals, the following information is required:

  • Panel chair’s name, affiliations, appointment and email address;
  • Title of the panel;
  • Abstract of the panel (300 words  maximum);
  • Paper titles and short abstracts (200 words maximum), with authors’ names, affiliations and appointments for each paper.

Panels and papers proposals should be sent to wplb2020.coris [at]
15 February 2020: Final deadline for paper and panel submissions.
end of February 2020: Decisions of acceptance are announced.

Read the full call for panels and papers or visit the conference website for more information.

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