The 6th International Conference of the Romanian Sociologists Society „Curators and actors of the social fabric: Views through „Post-lenses” will take place in Brasov, Romania, 16-18 June 2021.
Today’s social fabric is a realm of important changes and movements. Work loses its salience, transnationalism shapes everyday life, people live more and spend more time in education than ever, they marry later (the second demographic transition is practically generalized), societal organization is under siege, both from populism and main stream ideologies, religion is turning into a diversity of positioning, family becomes more diverse than ever, organizations operate with new structures and patterns, social ties are redefined by social media and digitization. Such changes were anticipated since the early 1970s, when a tide of post- concepts was shaping social sciences, including, but not being limited to postindustrial society, postmodern, poststructuralism, etc. The conference acknowledges the current trends and asks how the nowadays processes are reflected in our research. What we are looking from participants is to present their own research also referring, at least in the discussion part, to these “post-“ trends that are in place. Therefore, we invite for proposing conference panels that include your current research, seen through the post-lenses of our current societies, as given by the above-underlined transformations.
The conference is seeking submissions related to the conference topic, but not limited to the following panels:
- The social fabric through social network analysis
- Time work and temporal patterns in acceleration societies
- Communities in the Age of Networked Individualism
- Demographic and social change in Eastern Europe: trends, consequences and policies
- Museums as a Cultural Hub
- Family – Alternative models, dynamics and resizing
- An anthropological view of the modern family, post-conflict: main cultural and social factors that foster conflict and lead to incompatibility-induced separation and divorce within 21st century modern families
- Betwixt and between „influencers”-driven and „algorithmic”-scripted intelligibility of the social fabric. Any room left for a social scientists’ socio(-)logy?
- Dimitrie Gusti beyond sociology
- Urban Future in European Inner Peripheries
- Time in the Digital Age: Socio-Technical Systems and Technologically Mediated Realities in the Innovation-Driven Economy
- Contemporary migration and social change
- Core and periphery in the Europeanisation of the social fabric: transnational employees and multinational firms in EU
- Communication process in social services
Conference timeline (summary of deadlines):
Call for panels by: 12 January 2020
Notifications of panels acceptance and call for papers by: 31 January 2020
Submissions of abstracts by: 31 December 2020
Notifications of acceptance by: 10 February 2021
Early-bird registration: from 10 February until 30 March 2021
Regular registration by: 30 April 2021
Doctoral student training sessions & workshops: 16 June 2021
Conference: 17-18 June 2021
Participation: 100 EUR
Early-bird registration: 60 EUR
SSR members: 80 EUR
Early-bird registration SSR members: 40 EUR
Students: 25 EUR
The conference website:
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