The “Journal of Public Policy Studies” published by the Warsaw School of Economics, Poland, is proud to announce the Call for Papers to a forthcoming Special Issue entitled: “Public Policy: Experiences and Policy Transfers among Various Cultural Backgrounds”
The abstract submission deadline is December 31, 2019.
The manuscript submission deadline is February 20, 2020.
The scope of this Call for Papers:
We start from a basic assumption that the policy sciences within many regions are under intensive development in various policy domains. For the academic community, it is crucial to analyze the key processes which intersect with the ongoing political and socio-economic developments and challenges around the world in many vertical (sectoral) and horizontal policies. We appreciate every manuscript whose author makes a successful attempt to deal with the crucial elements of the complex nature of the public policy.
The Journal accepts the following types of papers focused on both theoretical and practical considerations: original research, systematic review, methods paper, policy and practice review, hypothesis and theory paper, perspective article, case study, conceptual analysis, data report, policy brief, and brief research report (please note that we are especially interested, but not limited to, papers based on the use of comparative approaches and studies).
- The Journal welcomes papers that provide answers related to the exemplary questions:
- Policy development in the East and the West.
- Public policy in the “post-truth era” (e.g., fake news, misperception, and disinformation).
- New developments in theoretical approaches to policymaking.
- Sectoral policies and its dynamics.
- The Europeanization of public policy.
- Convergence, divergence, or persistence of public policy.
- Behavioral dimension of public policy.
- Challenges in policy analysis.
- Ethical dimensions of public policy (normative models of public policy).
- Policy instruments and new development: policy in practice of implementation.
- The complexity of agenda-setting.
The “Journal of Public Policy Studies” was established in 2014 to encourage and disseminate quality research and theoretical considerations about the policy matters in Poland and the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) region. The Warsaw School of Economics, Poland, well known as leading economic university within the CEE region, is Journal’s founder and sponsor.
Processing and publication in the Journal are free of charge, and fees are not requested from authors at any point of the peer review and publication. We are also supporting Open Access, and authors retain the copyright to their due to the use of CC BY-ND 3.0 licenses.
Submission Procedure:
The authors should submit abstracts with the paper proposals as well as the manuscripts of papers to the Editorial Office (azybal [at] The full papers should be submitted in the MS-Word (.docx) format and consist of up to 10 000 words.
- Manuscripts should include the following elements:
- Author(s) contact details (name and surname, institutional affiliation, city, country, e-mail address).
- Title of the paper.
- Abstract: 200-250 words and 5-7 keywords.
- Main text and subtitles.
- Summary.
- Endnotes and references in the Harvard citation style.
More guidelines for authors are available here:
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