Romanian Sociologists Society

International Seminar on Environment and Society, Lisbon, March 2-3 2020

The Environment and Society Section of the Portuguese Association of Sociology, in collaboration with the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon, and the PhD program in Climate Change and Sustainable Development Policies, organizes its first International Seminar on Environment and Society, under the motto: Current Challenges and Pathways to Change. At the year Lisbon is the European Green Capital, the seminar welcomes sociologists and other researchers interested in understanding the relations between environment and society.

The seminar aims to: i) stimulate discussion and broaden it to other areas of knowledge beyond sociology; ii) encourage research in Portugal; and iii) promote international and interdisciplinary collaborations. Above all, it is important to reflect on the established relationships between environment and society and their consequences for sustainability.

Confirmed keynote speakers are Alan Irwin (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark), Luísa Schmidt (Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon, Portugal), Matthias Gross (Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ and University of Jena, Germany) and Noel Castree (University of Manchester, United Kingdom).

Proposals for communications or thematic panels may be submitted on the seminar website by December 8, 2019, in Portuguese or English.

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