How do we navigate the increasingly interdisciplinary and multivocal literature on any given topic of interest, when examining reality through the lens of social theory? How do we collect, identify and assemble the body of knowledge produced across both past and present, representing voices that are unequally represented?
We invite literature reviews that highlight a sociological or anthropological perspective in dialogue with other disciplines, or in dialogue with other fields of knowledge-making, such as journalism or collaborative lay expertise.
We also invite authors to reflect, in a Discussion section, on their experience of writing a literature review from a sociological perspective, tackling topics such as:
- Accessing published literature beyond pay walls, in the era of academic social networks and search engines;
- Finding one’s disciplinary position and voice among voices in the wide disciplinary spectrum of social sciences, humanities, and natural sciences;
- Integrating voices from other knowledge fields into a literature review.
Deadline for manuscript submissions: 20 December 2018
Send manuscripts at
We invite long papers (6000-9000 words) or short papers (3000-6000 words), in accordance with Guidelines for authors.
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