Romanian Sociologists Society

Eurint 2018 international conference, Iasi

Reflecting on Europe’s (dis)order: scenarios for the EU’s future


univ iasiDuring the last year, the European Union has faced unprecedented challenges (Brexit, the rise of populism, the devaluation of EU-USA relations) which have represented both a test and an alarm sign for future threats. These challenges have shifted the ordinary political and economic paradigms and have created a new state of affairs for the EU, as well as for its partners. Therefore, new policies are required to help address the urgent economic, political and social challenges. Current strategies are being questioned while new perspectives of the European and global economy are emerging. During his State of the Union Address on 13 September 2017, President Jean-Claude Juncker signalled the opportunity for broader reforms in the European Union, in order to reach a More United, Stronger and More Democratic Union. An imperative necessity to re-evaluate the aspects of European policies is observed all across the EU, while, at the same time, this observation process has to take place in relation to the national and international economic dynamics.
While the importance of academic research is well recognised, the transposition of the results from the academia to the regional, national, or European policies requires involvement and mutual cooperation. The organisers of EURINT 2018 believe that bringing together a wide and diversified audience from the academia, policy makers, and practitioners will engage the participants in fruitful debate, and facilitate mutual understanding. As such, the aim of the EURINT 2018 Conference is to bring additional insights and also to come up with valuable ideas which could contribute to a reassessment of the European policies. By providing updates on the state-of-the-art methodological approaches, the conference will offer the opportunity to rethink and define new strategic directions for the European Union.
While covering the European Union as a whole, the conference will particularly focus on the Central and Eastern European space (including the Eastern Partnership states and Russia) and will allow hands-on exchange of ideas and experiences.
The conference will comprise lectures delivered by international academic experts, followed by round tables with stakeholders who are not necessarily involved in the academic field – policy-makers, civil society activists, and professionals – which will address specific topics on Cross-Border Cooperation.


We welcome both theoretical and empirical papers which could fit the following themes:
  • Cross-Border Cooperation at EU’s eastern borderlands: current challenges and futures perspectives
  • Towards a new policy on migration
  • A new boost for Jobs, Growth and Investment
  • A connected (The) Digital Single Market
  • Climate Change Policy in the European Union
  • A deeper and fairer Internal Market
  • There is a European area of justice and fundamental rights based on mutual respect?
  • EU – a stronger global actor
  • The Economic and Monetary Union today
  • PESCO: A Europe that defends?
  • A Union of democratic change
  • Rethinking Europe’s Identity: Solidarity versus the Rise of Nationalism


What can you expect?

The Centre for European Studies within Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi organizes the seventh EURINT edition, May 18-19, 2018. The event is part of the EURINT conference series which was successfully launched in 2013 in the frame of the Jean Monnet Life Long Learning Programme. Since 2013, the EURINT conference series has established itself as a visible academic event in the field of European Studies and in this regard we aim at developing it into a traditional conference series.

What about the topic?

During the last year, the European Union has faced unprecedented challenges (Brexit, the rise of populism, the devaluation of EU-USA relations) which have represented both a test and an alarm sign for future threats. These challenges have shifted the ordinary political and economic paradigms and have created a new state of affairs for the EU, as well as for its partners. Therefore, new policies are required to help address the urgent economic, political and social challenges. Current strategies are being questioned while new perspectives of the European and global economy are emerging. During his State of the Union Address on 13 September 2017, President Jean-Claude Juncker signalled the opportunity for broader reforms in the European Union, in order to reach a More United, Stronger and More Democratic Union. An imperative necessity to re-evaluate the aspects of European policies is observed all across the EU, while, at the same time, this observation process has to take place in relation to the national and international economic dynamics.  

Who will take part in our academic event?

During the two-day conference, an exciting academic programme, featuring renowned international experts and keynote lectures, will be offered to our participants: PhD candidates, post-doc fellows, researchers, civil society activists, NGO representatives, consultants, policy advocates and many more.


March 31, 2018: Online registration and submission of extended abstracts

May 10, 2018: Full paper submission


The presented papers will be published either in  CES Working Papers or in the Conference Proceedings  (read more)

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