The Europainstitut / Institute for European Global Studies of the University of Basel, Switzerland, welcomes applications for Visiting Fellowships (three months in 2020) in the field of European Global Studies, with special focus on the topic area “Transtemporal Capitalism”.
The Europainstitut / Institute for European Global Studies is an interdisciplinary research institute at the oldest university in Switzerland, the University of Basel. It develops new interdisciplinary concepts and methods to critically analyze European integration and Europe’s relations with other continents. For our Visiting Fellowship Program we welcome applications on the topic area of “Transtemporal Capitalism” from researchers who are interested in investigating actors and agencies in a global context and who wish to pursue a conceptual approach beyond the nation-state.
In recent years, the concept of capitalism has undergone a revival from various points of view. “New capitalism” has discussed and is discussing the influence of the “new economy” on human relations (Sennett), but also new forms of financial capitalism in which making money with money became predominant, instead of making money by producing and selling goods. Anthropologists have examined the potential of actual capitalism to transform people into objects (Mbembe). Political economists have opted for examining varieties of capitalism (Hall/Soskice), and economic historians increasingly interpret capitalism as a dynamic process rather than a system. At present, new insights into the most recent processes of change seem possible by classifying capitalism with a view on long-term developments (Lenger), thereby explaining the dynamics of capitalism from its temporal structure (Beckert). Connecting to such insights, we welcome applications from different fields of research (economy, history of economy, sociology, anthropology, political sciences, history, law) interested in interdisciplinary discussions within a global scope to open up new ways of thinking about the relationship between economy, society and individual subjects.
Prospective visiting fellows will benefit from the excellent academic conditions and exchange with international colleagues. They need to have completed their PhD at the time of application and have an established track record in the research field of Europe in its global contexts. In addition, they should be interested in thinking beyond the boundaries of academic disciplines. A fellow’s project should make an innovative contribution to his or her field, also with regard to methodological input. Visiting fellows should be keen to share and discuss their research. The Europainstitut / Institute for European Global Studies strongly encourages women scholars to apply. The fellowship includes funding.
Further information about the institute can be found at Please use the standard application form for your project proposal and CV. Incoming applications without the standard form will not be considered. Please submit all your application documents in one email to: closing date for applications is 29 September 2019.
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