Societatea Sociologilor din România

CfP 36th IVSA Conference, Evry, 2018

For the 36th Annual Meeting of the International Visual Sociology Association 2018 we invite scholarly and other visual presentations that relate to the theme Visualizing the Political Process.

We also welcome abstracts that address topics relating more generally to visual methods, theories, the visual analysis of society, culture and social relationships. These need not specifically address the theme of the conference.

Where: University of Paris-Saclay – University of Evry, Evry, France
When: June 25-28, 2018
Submission Deadlines: Feb 1, 2018
All communication to:


The 2018 IVSA conference invites papers, photo essays and films that investigate the question: How do we visualize political processes? Our scope includes national political processes as well as relations of power in social movements and in everyday life; in the family, intimate relationships, the workplace, schools, labor unions, and local and regional governments.

We are particularly interested in “transparency” and democracy as well as the struggle for and against power in authoritarian societies. We regard power as contested, resisted, opposed and recreated in a myriad of ways and in a continual flow of social activity.

We invite investigations of politics and power in the mature democracies of the West, but also in contested democracies in developing countries and democratic struggles inside authoritarian societies.

Papers, films and photo essays may explore one of the following themes, but are not limited to:

  • How do we visualize political process in a democratic, authoritarian or contested political system?
  • What is “transparency,” speaking visually?
  • How do we see power in everyday life (relationships, institutions, families, etc)?
  • How do authoritarian governments create visual rhetorics to support anti-democratic politics and repressive social arrangements?
  •  How are images and films used in struggles for emancipation and liberation?

We welcome a wide range of creative approaches, ideas and presentations, including papers with images, videos, photo essays, multi-media, fine arts and other modes of visual expression.

Visit abstract system   Submission guidelines


The IVSA ( is a non-profit, democratic and professional organization devoted to the visual study of society, culture, and social relationships. Our members represent a wide spectrum of disciplines, including sociology, anthropology, education, visual communication, photography, filmmaking, art and journalism. While strongly rooted in the discipline of sociology, the IVSA welcomes participation from a wide range of disciplinary and artistic approaches. We also encourage those unfamiliar with visual methods and analysis to visually innovate and experiment in their respective areas of substantive specialization.

As well as panel sessions, the conference may include featured films, a student poster competition, keynote and spotlight panels, “walking the city” experiences and workshops. The 2018 Rieger and Prosser Award winners will be announced and celebrated.

Publication opportunities: Visual Studies (IVSA affiliated), Journal of Video Ethnography (JVE), and The Senses and Society have expressed interest in publishing top papers (or films, in the case of JVE) from the conference.

Visit abstract system   Submission guidelines

Download the call for papers as a PDF file

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