Societatea Sociologilor din România

Industrial Relations in Europe Conference, Bucharest, 2013

Industrial Relations in Europe Conference (IREC) 2013 Bucharest

Labour relations still in crisis: bargaining, politics, institutions, and labour relations in Europe.


logo_irec_2013Organized by SNSPA (Bucharest National School of Political Studies), Department of Political Science, in collaboration with the Median Research Centre-MRC, Bucharest

Organizing committee:
Aurelian Muntean (SNSPA Bucharest)
Richard Hyman (LSE)
Cristian Pirvulescu (SNSPA Bucharest)
Marina Popescu (CEU Budapest and MRC Bucharest)

Place and date: Bucharest, 12-14 September 2013

The economic and financial crisis has presented major challenges for governments, trade unions, employers, banks, and last but not least, for regular citizens. European anti-crisis policies are based on a variety of principles that differ in the Southern EU member states, the Nordic Countries, the British isles, the German states or the former communist countries. The policies have had various effectiveness on fighting unemployment, public and budget deficit, inflation, social risks and inequalities. The cuts in social expenditures have triggered social movements in many EU member states, and critiques from social actors.

Several questions arise from the current fluid context of European labour relations: How do European unions approach the new social risks? What is the extent of the labour market fragmentation in EU? Do the political conflicts, concerning the welfare state, institutional and economic reforms, involve trade unions and firms? In what degree have European trade unions been affected by the economic crisis? Did the East and Central European countries produce labour relations’ models different from other EU countries? How do we measure the new developments in labour relations? These questions, as well as other important questions that fit the workshops indicated below, will be addressed at the 2013 Industrial Relations in Europe Conference.

IREC 2013 welcomes theoretical and empirical paper proposals that offer analyses of the stances of social actors concerning the economic decisions in the EU, the interaction at the national level, between unions, firms, government and political parties, as well as on the various models of European tackling of mobility and flexibility of labour markets, the relations between union and employers membership, leadership, the values attitudes and interests of individuals, last but not least, the analysis of East Central European models of labour relations and capitalist development.

Comparative perspectives and case studies, multilevel analysis of labour relations (structural, institutional and individual levels) in Europe, are encouraged. The papers will be selected through a peer-review process.

The conference will host lectures by the following keynote speakers:
Prof. Dr. Richard Hyman – Professor Emeritus, London School of Economics
Prof. Dr. Jelle Visser – University of Amsterdam
Dr. Jon Erik Dølvik – FAFO-Institute of Labour Studies, Oslo
Prof. Dr. Dorothee Bohle – Central European University, Budapest

Workshop 1 (day 1): Labour relations and economic decisions in EU: one Europe, many models Workshop 2 (day 1): Labour relations and state institutions: unions, employers, governments and political parties
Workshop 3 (day 2): Labour relations and the individuals: membership, leadership, values, attitudes and interests. Perspectives on research design methodologies.
Workshop 4 (day 2): Social movements and labour relations in EU
Workshop 5 (day 2): Labour relations in East-Central Europe: integrating new models
Workshop 6 (day 3): Romanian labour relations at the crossroads: regulations, institutions, path dependence

In case a significant number of proposals do not fall on one of the workshops above, but share a common topic, a separate workshop will be organized in addition to the listing above.

The proposals (maximum 500 words, and should indicate the title, author and the workshop) should be sent by e-mail to (Aurelian Muntean) no later than December 28, 2012.

Conference webpage:

Timeline key dates

Deadline for receiving proposals: December 28, 2012

Decision concerning selected papers made and announced by: January 20, 2013

Deadline paper submission: May 30, 2013


Early registration fee: 150 euro, by March 31, 2013

Late registration fee: 200 euro, by June 30, 2013

Graduate students early registration: 50 euro, by March 31, 2013

Graduate students late registration: 100 euro, by June 30, 2013.

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