
Call for Panels: ACUM and National Conference of the Romanian Sociologists Society, 2022

We are happy to launch the call for Panels for a joint event, the 11th edition of the International Colloquium of Social Sciences and Communication (ACUM 2022) and the National…


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Cotizatie membru SSR 2023

Societatea Sociologilor din România este un instrument al comunităţii sociologice româneşti. Societatea este întemeiată pe colegialitate, profesionalism, sinceritate şi deschidere. Cotizaţia anuală a SSR pentru anul calendaristic 2023 este: 25…

Call for Papers

CfP: Social Policy Issues, 2022

“Post-communism (post-socialism) as the defining feature of welfare states and social policies in Central and Eastern Europe?” Editors: Maria Theiss, University of Warsaw ( and Tomasz Inglot, Minnesota State University-Mankato…

CfP: Social Change Review, 2021

Social Change Review (SCR) is a peer- reviewed, open access international journal. It is edited by the Sociology and Social Work Unit of the Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu. It…


Webinar OECD – The Trust Divide: How COVID-19 Exposes the Impact of Inequality on Citizen Confidence in Government

The COVID-19 crisis has exacerbated existing inequalities across population groups, including generational, economic and social divides, and created a sense of vulnerability. The aftermath of the health crisis is likely…